Sackville Wild Bees 2024

Documenting wild bee diversity in Sackville, NB
We are a team of undergraduate students and faculty at Mount Allison University who are working on documenting wild bee diversity in our town.
We will be regularly updating this website and our instagram (@mtaplantspollinators) with the happenings of the project and the lab!
New Brunswick is home to over 250 native species of wild bees! Bees serve an integral ecosystem function as critical pollinators and, they help sustain both native plants and cash crops foundational to NB's identity, including blueberry, cranberry, and apple. Despite the significant role played by wild bees, there is very little documentation of species richness, abundance, and distribution of wild bees in Sackville. Therefore, an overarching goal of our project is to begin the ongoing process of archiving bee biodiversity in the Sackville area. We are in the second year of our project, and we are continuing to gather data about the bees around us!
To do this, we have been collaborating with a select group of Sackville residents who cultivate their own private gardens to monitor bee populations on their properties. We are thankful for these community members who have volunteered their home garden for this study, and at this time we do not require any further volunteers for this project!