Sackville Wild Bees 2024

This bee is from the genus Nomada.

Here are some wild bees we have spotted recently around Sackville, NB and the things our team has been up to!

This bee is from the genus Nomada. This is one of the largest genera in the Apidae family. These bees are kleptoparasitic bees, meaning they lay their eggs in other bee's nests and steal the resources for their own young. They are also ground nesting bees!

This bee is from the genus Andrena. This genus has over 1500 species of bees in it, the largest genera in the Animal Kingdom! These bees are commonly known as the mining bee because of the way they make their nest in the ground.
This bee is from the genus Andrena.

This bee is from the genus Andrena.

There are two bees in the photo. The green bee on the bottom flower is from the genus Augochlorella and the striped bee on the top flower is from the genus Halictus.

This bee is from the genus Bombus. It is a male bombus, and much smaller compared to the queens. Male Bombus can't sting and don't collect pollen!

This bee is from the genus Melissodes. These bees typically come out in the fall. Only 20 species from this genus are found in Canada. These bees also are typically found on sunflowers.

This bee is an Andrena. Landing on an apple blossom!

This bee is an Augochlorini. Distinctly coloured, this is one of the groups of bees that is not black and yellow!

Dr Austen & some of the lab members gave a presentation to the Tantramar Senior's College. Our presentation was discussing bee morphology and the wild bees found in NB!


This bee is from the genus Bombus. This bee is commonly known as the bumble bee. They are eusocial animals and live in colonies with a single queen. The queens are typically larger than other bees, and you can hear them buzzing when they fly past you!

The bee in this photo is from the genus Ceratina. Ceratina can be very small bees, some less than 5mm! They form their nests in hollowed out twigs and stems.

This bee is from the genus Lasioglossum. Some species in this genus are kleptoparasites and some are even nocturnal.

This bee is an Andrena. They are one of the early genera to emerge in the spring in New Brunswick.

This bee is a Red-Belted Bumble Bee, part of the genus Bombus. Likely a Queen, she is out collecting nectar and pollen to take back to the nest to feed her offspring.

Some of our team at the 2024 Eco Fest at the Magnetic Hill Zoo! They provided information on our project, the wild bees in our area, and even got to look at some bees up close under the microscope!

Andrena milwaukeensis
